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Triton Technical Selects EvertzAV NUCLEUS Pro-AV System for a Global Class Research Vessel

EvertzAV announces that Triton Technical has selected its NUCLEUS A/V solution as the core A/V distribution system for Schmidt Ocean Institute's new Global Class Research Verssl Falkor (too).


USB Capture HDMI and USB Capture HDMI Plus now formally certified by Zoom for Zoom Rooms content capture

Dejero and Livecast Capture Landmark Daimler Truck’s GenH2 Truck Hydrogen Record Run

Dejero connectivity solutions deliver high quality video footage to chronicle historic 1000+ km journey of liquid H2-powered Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck from Woerth to Berlin

The Next Evolution of Wirecast: Introducing A New Intelligent Virtual Assistant, 由生成式人工智能技术提供支持

Wirecast, 领先的视频直播和制作软件, 兴奋地介绍一种变革, 在最新的版本中推出了自己的虚拟助手.




by |在本文中, 我研究了流式cdn提供的低延迟服务, removing actual vendor names and making conclusions based on delivery method. I'll start with a discussion of the basics of latency before moving on to the testing results and analysis.


by 超过1200名读者在18个类别中投票. We'll announce the winners in the November/December issue of Streaming Media, 但这里有一个小笑话——每个类别的前三名得票者. 你可能会对你看到的名字感到惊讶.


by | The customer wanting to watch your stream on Insta does not want a horizontal video shoehorned into a vertical frame. The customer watching the horizontal version doesn't want the vertical slice with the same thing blurred out behind it to fill the frame. 这些顾客都渴望那种特殊的体验. 你的工作就是给你的顾客他们渴望的东西.

回顾:Ant Media Server(企业版)

by | This review will highlight Ant Media Server and many of the features supported with the streaming server. Viewers will also learn how to configure the WebRTC streaming server on Amazon Web Services and how to get up and running with delivering live streams and video-on-demand streams.


by | Too often, 在混合型活动中,非现场参加者被视为事后的想法, 哪里所有的重点都在房间里的观众身上. But drawing in the remote audience and recognizing the importance of doing so is critical. Innovative strategies abound for drawing in remote viewers and creating more compelling experiences; Stream4Us' Anthony Burokas, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, and Howard & Associates' Andy Howard offer some best practices to best engage remote viewers in hybrid events.

教程:先进的直播和录制与AJA HELO PLUS

by | Streaming engineer and strategist and Streaming Media The Video Doctor columnist Robert Reinhardt of VideoRx discusses some of his favorite features of the new AJA HELO Plus Advanced Streaming and Recording Appliance in this new tutorial video. A longtime user of the original HELO in his own professional live productions, 讨论了新型底盘的设计, 新的布局功能的图片中的图片和更多, 同时流式传输到两个目的地, new SRT support, and more.


by | To generalize Backward Design beyond curricular development: What should a teacher and production crew set out to accomplish when designing and executing a course introduction video? 这类视频的价值是什么?如何最大化它?


As streaming has moved through the pandemic years into a new normal that isn't exactly what anyone expected, the meaning of hybrid event streaming production and delivery that has emerged over the last few years continues to evolve. So what does it mean in 2023, for producers, organizations, and audiences, both onsite and remote? And what can streamers do to level the playing field for those participating from near and far? 这段视频来自他们最近在2023年流媒体连接上的小组讨论, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 俄亥俄州立大学的德里克·弗里曼, 波士顿25新闻的本·拉特纳报道, Stream4us的Anthony burrokas说道, and Howard & Associates' Andy Howard discuss best definitions and best practices for hybrid event video in 2023.


by b|流媒体团队.com and Help Me Stream Research Foundation are getting a jump on fall by releasing the Autumn 2023 edition of the State of Streaming survey. 这项调查是我们每年两次对整个流媒体行业的调查. Take the survey today and help us understand just how the streaming landscape has shifted in the past six months.

Case Study: How the State Bar of Wisconsin Transitioned to PTZ Cameras for Livestreamed Production

by | My current role as media coordinator at the State Bar of Wisconsin involves live production of Continuing Legal Education seminars for lawyers. Our job—as a two-person media department—is to make our speakers and presenters look good. Between us, we operate a NewTek TriCaster, audio mixing, projection, and multiple cameras. This article will discuss how and why we transitioned from Panasonic CX350s and SDI to an all-PTZ camera NDI workflow.


by 当一波又一波令人惊叹的小工具袭来时,看看更大的图景. 已经在路上了. 你可以看到它来了. 这个项目值得冒失败的风险吗? 如果是这样,谁会支持它? 我们都在寻找下一个“游戏规则改变者”." That's natural. 现在有很多公司, 半个地球之外, 试图成为下一个拥有尖端技术的新泰克. 小心你的手指.


by | An inevitable question for any streaming strategy or workflow is "Will it scale?“当涉及到整合交互性时, promoting it, and delivering interactive experiences that are satisfying both for large-scale streaming audiences and the brands behind them, 这个问题比以往任何时候都更加关键. 在流媒体连接2023最近的一个小组中, B我是杰伊·科佩尔曼, 斗牛犬DM的John Petrocelli, and LiveX's Corey Behnke break down the problem and the challenges facing streamers and brands when it comes to making streaming interactivity is popular and profitable for all its stakeholders.


by | This quick tutorial for remote producers should enable you to bring guest presenters into vMix via vMix Call and give you the ability to talk to them, 并赋予他们与你交谈的能力, 没有听众的倾听. Then, 当来电者上线时, the bus will automatically switch and the audience will hear them but they will not hear what's going on outside of the live show.


by |投票截止到9月25日,共有18个类别. 今天就投票吧!